
Bronica Polaroid Film Back for ETRS/i Mint & Boxed #9604

Condition 98%. Superb, mint and boxed polaroid back for Bronica ETRS/i. Clean optics and casings.... more info

Canon 100mm Viewfinder #9295

Condition 98%. Mint example of this beautiful little finder from Canon for use on Canon and leica rangefinders. No fungus or haze. ... more info

Canon 135mm Viewfinder #10345

Condition 98%. Mint example of this beautiful little finder from Canon for use on Canon and Leica rangefinders. No fungus or haze. Cased.... more info

Canon Meter R for Canonflex #8922

Condition 96%. Excellent example of this superb meter from Canon to fit their Canonflex SLR. Selenium cell so no need for batteries. Dual range....... more info

Contax 443 & Zeiss Opton 913 Proxar Outfit #10120

Condition 97%. Lovely example of this rare Proxar close-up lens combination from Zeiss for Contax rangefinder cameras. In 30 years of...... more info

Kodak Magnesium Ribbon Holder #9874

Condition 95%. Excellent example of this scarce magnesium flash ribbon holder from Kodak.... more info

Leica Bellows 16556P & 16557Q #8395

Condition 97%. Excellent, near mint example of these superb bellows for Leica. Comes with L39 lens adaptor and M body mount. Clean bellows. Full...... more info

Leica DOOLU Spirit Level for 1a & Standard, Mint & Boxed #10092

Condition 98%. Lovely, mint example of this super rare shoe-mounted spirit-level to fit Leica 1a and Standard cameras. Unmarked casings. Boxed....... more info

Leica FISON Elmar 5cm Lens Hood #10193

Condition 96%. Excellent example of this useful hood from leica to fit 5cm F3.5 Elmar LTM lenses. Light use only.  ... more info

Leica MBROO Tropical Case, Boxed #9988

Condition 95%. Rare leica tropical MBROO metal case. These were designed for use in the tropics, and fit all Leica screw models up to and including...... more info