Orders are normally shipped on Mondays and Thursdays.
1st Class Signed (insured up to £20)
Up to 750g | Up to 2kg | Up to 10kg |
£7.00 | £8.50 | £12.50 |
Special Delivery (Insurance up to £750)
Up to 1Kg | Up to 2kg | Up to 10kg |
£12.50 | £15.00 | £20.00 |
International Tracked & Signed
Up to 1Kg | Up to 2kg | Up to 5kg |
£20.00 | £25.00 | £50.00 |
International Tracked Signed
Up to 1Kg | Up to 2kg | Up to 5kg |
£35.00 | £45.00 | £75.00 |
You have fourteen days from receipt of your goods to return them. This can be for any reason and we will cheerfully refund you the cost of your order, less postage. Items need to be returned in their original condition. Please let us know in advance and enclose a copy of your invoice with the reason for returning the item. Please be aware that if you are returning an item because you have changed your mind and you paid via PayPal we will deduct the 2.5% non-returnable fee that we are charged by PayPal from your refund as a restocking fee.
Should any of your goods arrive faulty or damaged please contact us immediately to arrange a return. Please also enclose a copy of your invoice with the reason for returning the item and your choice of either a replacement item or a full refund. We will exchange or refund the item cost including outward and return 1st class recorded postage.