
Centon K100 35mm SLR with 50mm F1.7 Lens #10197

Condition 96%. Superb example of this classic 35mm SLR from Centon. The K100 is similar in use to a Pentax MX, being...... more info

Pentax 135mm F2.8 Macro-Telephoto by Makinon #8147

Condition 97%. Mint example of this wonderful short macro-telephoto lens for Pentax PKM mount by Makinon. Features useful 1: 4.5...... more info

Pentax 18-28mm F4-4.5 PKA Mount Multi-Coated Sirius Lens #8188

Condition 96%. Excellent example of this useful ultra-wide zoom lens from Sirius for Pentax PKA in manual focus mount. Multi-coated glass...... more info

Pentax 35mm F2 SMC PKM #7958

Condition 97%. Superb example of this wonderful fast wide angle from Pentax for PKM mount 35mm cameras. Clean optics. Very light use only...... more info

Pentax 35mm F2.8 SMC PKM #10190

Condition 96%. Excellent example of this superb wide angle from Pentax for PKM mount 35mm cameras. Clean optics. Light use only to barrel....... more info

Pentax 55mm F1.8 SMC PKM, Rare Short Portrait #10311

Condition 97%. Superb, near mint example of this rare fast standard opr short portrait lens from Pentax, made to compliment their K range...... more info